The Initial Session:

We meet to discuss your project - however large or small, and ideally on site. We will discuss what you are hoping to achieve, by when, your budget, and generally get to know the parameters of the project. This meeting is where we don’t stop talking, and most importantly for me - listening so that I can get up to speed with how you want to feel in the space, as well as reflect your aesthetic.

I will then prepare a fee proposal which outlines your brief and the costs involved to achieve this stage by stage, for my services. This usually is accompanied by an initial mood board to help kick start the creativity!

Stage 1: Schematic Design: 

If you are happy with the fee proposal, we can commence work.

Each project is different, so this stage varies enormously from client to client - however, broadly this stage is when we clarify and refine the specific requirements of the project, and the concept is developed.

Indicative budget estimates are discussed in more detail, and a timeline is agreed and more detailed digital concept boards are produced alongside hand drawn sketches to communicate ideas where relevant.

This is a highly personalised stage which will vary from client to client depending on the brief and the level of assistance required.

Stage 2: Development:

This stage can take time - for the right creative approach to resolve the brief, and to fully explore all the options. This is where spatial planning, specific joinery design and sourcing materials and finishes and FF & E (eg; furniture, products, lighting, accessories) are resolved. Depending on your requirements we may take time to visit suppliers together.

Specifications are resolved and final concepts are agreed. Colour selection boards can be produced where relevant including samples.

Stage 3: Documentation:

Materials, finishes and fittings are confirmed in a detailed schedule which includes all costs, lead times, suppliers, etc. Any hand drawn sketches are transferred into technical documentation if required for your construction team and trades. Renderings can be produced if necessary to give you a more indicative impression of the project. Orders are placed with suppliers and we co-ordinate with suppliers and trades where necessary however, full overall project management is not included.

Finally, we look forward to the end of the construction period, the fulfilment of orders and the delivery of stock to create the space that we have been planning together!,