The world just paused for a moment when we first saw the interiors of this house. Everything slowed down as we literally allowed ourselves to get lost in the serenity that has been created in this space.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed
Calvin Klein purchased this house in 1999 and for most of the next fifteen years or so, it has remained largely a private and personal haven for the designer. However, when it was listed for sale the world was able to get a glimpse into his Miami home.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed
The property was over-hauled by Axel Vervoordt, the Belgian antique / art collector / interior designer who favours an authentic less-is-more approach. He enables spaces to reveal themselves through keeping the very best of the past, whilst eliminating all but the essential elements to live comfortably by and enrich the lives of the residents.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed
Axel defines his design philosophy as "volledig" - the Flemish expression which means "the fullness of emptiness" and based on our instinctive response to this house - we think this house is a manifestation of this.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed
Although an object doesn't have to be significant in a monetary or historical sense to be valued by him or his clients. He revels in transforming an ordinary object into something extraordinary - 'the everyday gesture into perfection - the fullness of emptiness'.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed
The interiors here appear to have evolved over time, with nothing screaming for attention but rather all the elements harmoniously blending to create a perfect (and yet imperfect) whole. For example this approach allows you to appreciate the texture of the walls, the chalky plaster finish highlighting the lumps and bumps of uneven surfaces, the creased and rumpled folds of the linen used on beds and windows and the rough character of the timber floors and ceilings.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed
Calvin Klein decided to sell this property because he is spending increasing amounts of time in Los Angeles and his other homes. However, he is keen to ensure that the person who does end up buying his home is someone who really appreciates it's truly unique qualities and values the wabi-sabi aesthetic that Calvin and Axel have achieved here.
ursell + co | interior swoon | calvin klein's miami home by axel vervoordt| image: curbed